Welcome to Landowners' Association Lærkevang

Welcome to The Lærkevang Landowners' Association's website. We hope you will use it for to obtain information about what is going on here in our landowner association. We have also created an email which makes it easier to
get in touch with the board of directors by using bestyrelsen@gf-laerkevang.dk . If you have wishes or suggestions for the website, please let us know and please send an email to the above email address.

Best regards
The board


Road inspection saturday d. 5 oktober

So grab the broom and the hatch iron, take the neighbor under the arm and have a nice chat while things are being fixed, sidewalks and curbs. ????

We anticipate namely that everyone contributes to keeping our pavements and roads clear of weeds and
that we have nice swept curbs.

The more we take care of what we have, the less needs to be renovated on roads and pavements. If you have knowledge to the fact that the neighbor cannot or does not fully understand why it is so important to be
common on this very topic, so lend a helping hand. Have a chat and let's go, everyone can help to get this done.

The boring side of this is that if the board encounters an area that is not well maintained, there will be
a letter in the mailbox with the date of expected delivery. If it requires further measures, we refer to our articles of association according to Section 11. ☹

halloween saturday d. 26 oktober

Then it's time for the big Halloween party in The Landowners' Association.

The event will be held at Ægyptensvej number 9.

Time:   Saturday
on 26 October 2024 at 14:00 – 17:00

We will carve our own pumpkins (will be purchased by the activities committee) and there will be prizes for the best carved pumpkins as well as the best costumes for both boys and girls.

Of course, there are also goody bags and drink for all children

There will be some serving of warm coffee and cocoa.

The price this year; DKK 20 per Both children and adults participating, and payable upon registration.

Registration for:

Kim Nielsen, Ægyptensvej 9

No later than Monday 14 October for reasons of purchase of pumpkins.

ordinary general meeting Tuesday 11 marts 2025

Invitation to Lærkevang's ordinary general meeting Tuesday 11 March 2025 at 18.00 at Skelgård church's premises. Further information will come later.

Nem og fremtidssikker varme

Tårnby Forsyning udvider fjernvarmenettet, så stort set alle enfamiliehuse, etageejendomme og erhvervsejendomme i kommunen vil få tilbudt fjernvarme. Se vedhæftede konverteringsfolder

Trnby Forsyning logo

Nu kan du ansøge om fjernvarme

Vi lægger ud med nyheden om, at det nu er muligt at ansøge om fjernvarme på Tårnby Forsynings hjemmeside.

Her kan du også se et oversigtskort, tjekke om du kan få fjernvarme på din adresse og i så fald hvornår, ansøge samt få svar på de almindelige spørgsmål.

Bemærk, at aftalen om fjernvarme først er bindende ved endelig underskrift. Det vil sige, at du kan ansøge uden, at det er bindende.


Our The defibrillator is located at Kairovej 17A. Click on the icon and it will take you to Tryg Fonden's website www.hjertestarter.dk

emergency water issues

Water Breakage on your own property?
In the event of a pipe break on your own property and in the house, you must contact an authorized plumbing installer.

Breakage of a water main in the municipality, or do you lack water?
Have you discovered a break in a water main in the municipality (for example, water on the road ), or if you lack water without having been notified of the water shut-off beforehand, please contact: Tårnby Forsynings water supply on tel.: 32 46 20 30. You can call this number 24 hours a day. We can also be contacted by e-mail: info@taarnbyforsyning.dk


We would like to urge you to keep an eye out for "foreign" vans on our roads, there have been episodes of theft from driveways, as well as house burglaries.